Monday, November 8, 2010

We Are Children of Heavenly Father

Did you know you have more than one father?  There is the father who helped you get your physical body.  There is the father who feeds you and teaches you.  This might be the same person or different people.  Or even if you don't see a father every day, there is another father who does see you every day.  He watches over you and answers your prayers.  He is the father of our spirits.  That's our Heavenly Father!

We are created in His image.  That means, we look like Him.  You can read about this in the scriptures.  Ask a grown-up to help you read Psalms 82:6.  Being children of the "most high" means you are a child of Heavenly Father.  That is really special to know because it means you are like Him and can become even more like Him.  Just like puppies grow to look like their doggy parents and chicks grow to become chickens, Heavenly Father wants you to grow and be like Him.  You can read about that in Moses 1:39.

Here's a paper you can use to think about what we just learned:

You Are A Child Of God Matching Page

Make sure you ask a grown-up before doing any of these activities. 
1. You can cut them out and make a mobile by taping the parent and baby pictures to the same string and
    then tying the strings to a stick, hanger or pair of straws.  Just stick the ends of four straws together to form
    a trapezoid shape and you have nifty mobile hanger.
2. You can cut them out and glue them to another paper, with the babies next to their parents.
3. You can match the baby animals to their parents by drawing lines.
Here are pictures of the projects we did at home:

Have fun learning and remember YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD!  Hey...isn't there a song about that?  Yeah!  There is!  Why don't you sing it at Family Home Evening tonight?   That be cool!  See you tomorrow for more learning and fun!  Remember, the gospel is true!
Molly Mormon

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