About Me

I'm Eva, a Californian at heart, but happy Utah-transplant.  I'm a writer & self-taught photographer. I'm also a Christian, Wife & Mother, so much of what I write & take pictures of is my family as we learn together. This is where I keep a record of activities and object lessons we do to strengthen our testimonies of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. Even if the day is long and my house is a mess, I know if I have spent some time teaching my kids truth the day has not been wasted.  Being a mom is hard stuff, but knowing I have the Lord on my side makes what seems impossible POSSIBLE.  The only way I get through it and make the most of those weary moments is by relying on Him.

I hope you can find ideas & support here that will help you make meaningful teaching moments for yourself & the children you inspire. For the official LDS church website visit www.lds.org or www.mormon.org.  Take Care!  Comment! Like the LDS Little Ones Facebook page!  Though the main reason I keep this record is because it brings me joy and that there will be something for my posterity, I believe it can bring a lot of other parents, grandparents, and teachers great ideas too.

If you would like to read more uplifting thoughts on life, including my challenges with depression and food-addiction, parenting and teaching, please click on the tabs to see my other blogs. 

I used to suffer from severe depression and anxiety.  Through the years of battling those issues and trying to be a supportive wife and mother at the same time, I've had to learn to see the good.  My blog, Uplifting Eva, is all about that.  Through learning to find precious moments in every day life and overcoming the tough ones I've finally been able to find some joy and peace.  Now I share that hope, even with music sometimes, at www.evamelissabarnett.blogspot.com

Keeping my depression in check and keeping up with my kids has only been possible through trying to live a healthier life.  I have struggled with body image issues for a long time and even battled an eating disorder for a time.  Documenting the nutritious choices I make and healthy weight-loss efforts helps me stay on track.  You can read about that journey here...http://www.veggiefitmama.blogspot.com  It's been really rewarding to encourage others on a quest for better health.

I also homeschool and love documenting that adventure!  For crafts and other educational fun...www.happinessishomeschooling.blogspot.com

Finally, I love taking family portraits and have been busy at it for the past 3 years.  You can see my work, client reviews and modest pricing at www.evabarnettphotography.blogspot.com.

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