Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Best of Intentions :)

Things have gone two ways this week.  The first way was wonderful.  We made the warm-fuzzies for FHE after much convincing that it was a "craft."  Apparently my daughter thinks all crafts must involve tape or glue sticks and this one didn't. :)  But really, after we had made two warm-fuzzies and paired up (my son with daddy and my daughter with me) we had so much fun doing a sneaky service.  I really was, well we ALL were, excited-like Christmas!  My daughter and I made the bed and left the warm fuzzy there for my husband and son to find.  My husband and son cleaned the playroom- yes, CLEANED THE PLAYROOM! :)  I have not done something that was that much fun with my family for a while.  And that's not because we don't spend time together, because we do, but we rarely do service.  After doing this activity I am really going to try to do service with my family more!

Since then though, we haven't done a thing. :)  I'm excited about working on these activities starting tomorrow...

WEDNESDAY: "What Can I Learn From The Scriptures?" pg. 7 of the August 2011 Issue of The Friend
For this article I'm planning on cutting out each phrase from Elder Christofferson's talk and attaching it to something that represents the phrase, and then hiding the items.  Since my daughter loves singing primary songs louder and quieter to find things, we will sing to find them.  There may be items that work better for your family and depending on what you have on hand, but this is what I came up with, starting with the phrase at the top of the page and working clockwise.
1) A net to represent that having faith is believing the Lord will always catch us!  When we have faith we know He is there for us every time we fall.
2) A plastic vegetable to represent the Word of Wisdom and the blessings of health that come from it, as found in the scriptures.
3) A copy of our Book of Mormon stories on DVD to show the different ways God has given us to learn about the scriptures.
4) A long piece of paper- could be newspaper or wrapping paper.  I will show that it's easy to rip the edge but if it's folded on it's edge over and over again (like making a paper fan) then it gets thick and is hard to tear.  This is how faith is, fragile at first but stronger with each scripture story we read.
5) A blank piece of paper so they can draw a scene of our family and friends living with God in our premortal life.  I'm excited about letting them use their imaginations to create a visual of something we've only talked about before!

THURSDAY: "A Faithful Finish" pgs. 8-9
For this great story I'm planning on sharing it and talking about not giving up.  My kids are 5 and 3, and at the stage where they want to do things by themselves.  They can see how to do it, but still need practice.  This story is a great testimony of practicing to work towards a goal.  It's also good to recognize that we don't have to be first to do a good job, we just have to do our best.  And of course, some racing of our own in the backyard will be in order.  Maybe I'll even get some little plastic trophies from the dollar store to award after. :)    

FRIDAY: "Taking Care of Me" pg.10
This one's WAY easy!  Just read it and fill 'er out.  Or better yet, let the children check off the boxes!

SATURDAY: "Finding People to Teach" pg. 11
Another easy and quick one- play the game!  If you have older children you could photocopy or print off more pages, then let them cut out circles and make their own gameboards.  Be sure to point out what the missionaries are doing to find people to teach-pray, study the scriptures and share their testimonies!  Make a special effort to have family prayer and scripture study in preparation for the Sabbath.  Since this week is Fast and Testimony Sacrament Meeting, you could even encourage your children to bear their testimonies too!

I hope you can find the time to do at least one of these activities.  And even if you don't, I know the Lord will bless us according to the desires and intents of our hearts.  Some weeks are easier than others.  But they ARE easiest when the Spirit is with us, so do try and that will be enough.  :)  Remember, the gospel is true!

Love Ya'all, Eva

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