Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Marching" On...Teaching Integrity To Our Kids!

Well, as you might already know our family has had a wild past several months!  With a job change and move mostly out of the way though (the boxes left to unpack can wait!), I am so excited to be able to focus more on spending time with my kids, and teaching them good values.  My forwarded mail is just arriving, and seeing The Friend in my mailbox was a reminder that even with crazy schedules and moves, I have to make time for teaching my kids!

We all learn by repetition, so lately I've been focusing on trying to tell stories with the same theme and then point out those principles whenever there is an opportunity.  The Friend has some great helps this month. Hhere are the 7 I've used so far...

Decide Right Now by President Monson focuses on choosing now, before the situation comes up, what good choices you're going to make.  There's a little worksheet where kids can write if they are going to say "yes" or "no" when faced with tough choices from their friends.  We took the game a step further with some role playing which was super funny.  Watch for that video soon!

That article also talked about being good 100% of the time, so choosing the right "all the time" has been a phrase we've used a lot this week. 
When my daughter wanted to do a craft and saw we had paper plates she insisted on making her trademark lion mask. :)  Since the idea of being good "all the time" was already on our minds it was easy to bring up the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den.  He prayed and did what was right even when it was illegal with the penalty of death!  We watched the short video clip the church was for the story on their website.  I even put it on the desktop so it was easy for the kids to click on it and watch it on their own.  Then we printed out the story and made a booklet for them to read which was super cute!  Michael was excited to have something that was small, important and his.  We even did some more role playing of that story.  I might post that video. LOL

I pulled open my Friend to the story titled What Scared The Barnyard Roosters and the Bright Idea art page illustrating Joshua 1:9.  Now, not only the idea of choosing the right was relevant but also praying for strength.  This cute story about the little boy with the chickens was our bedtime story again tonight, and the kids are learning they can pray if they need help or are scared.

The Coat is another wonderful story that we watched the video of online.  The video is beautiful and really brings home that message of doing good all the time, even when it's hard.

Since that was a lot of doctrine, we did some of the game pages this week too.  Saturday is A Special Day was fun.  I gave my son more things to find after we found the items the page called for.  Then we looked at the Bulletin Board section.  It actually had a part about eating healthy which gave us another opportunity to learn about Daniel and when he refused the king's food and wine.  Once again being good "all the time" came up, are we all seeing the pattern? :)

Finally, I had to share the story Abu Learns Honesty with them because it was right in line with the theme of The Coat, Daniel and the Lion's Den, and President Monson's story.  We need to choose the right "all the time."  And when we don't, well, that's why we have a Savior, so we can repent and make it right.

I know that by being a more dedicated, teaching-oriented parent I learn more.  The short, true stories in The Friend and the scriptures touch my heart every time I read them.  My kids are so used to me "happy crying" because I can't help but feel the Spirit and feel blessed that I have this little window of time to share these principles of faith and hope with my kids, and myself.  And the repetition is working.  We are starting to understand these concepts together.  
March is still early, spring is upon us and it is a time for new beginnings!  I hope you can find some time to share these stories with your little ones.  If you have to, read them on your own and bring them up when the topics come up.  The opportunities will be there if we are prepared and ready because this is the Lord's work.  We are his missionaries in the home and he supports us!  Remember, the gospel is true!  Love, Eva

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