Monday, March 12, 2012

Saying Personal Prayers Together...

So it might sound like an oxymoron, but sometimes we have to say personal prayers together, like when we are teaching our little ones the pattern and habit of prayer.  I love sitting there beside my 6 and 4 year-old, hearing what they thank Heavenly Father for...our house...our friends...our dogs...our toys...getting to play a game together today.

And if they remember to ask for anything it's usually to help us share more, not fight, be nice, and have a nice day.  If there's one thing anyone can do to help make this world a better place to me it would be praying daily and approaching life with that prayer in their heart.  It forces us to think about what we have and want really matters most to us.  It reminds us we are children of a Greater Being.  Aren't we lucky we get to teach this to our children?

Remember, the Gospel is true and God hears all prayers, those from behind the steering wheel, at our kitchen sink, beside our beds, and beside our children.  Have a nice evening! -Eva

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