Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So, the longer of a gap there is between posts the harder it is for me to write.  I guess I just feel sheepish for missing so many days even when I tried to make it happen.  Of course it's probably silly for me to feel this way, since getting discouraged and learning to overcome it is a big part of this life.  Still, it can be hard to do.  :)  This month we were hit by flu season hard.  Between the flu episodes we had colds and sore throats and it just hasn't let up!  But I guess that's when we need some spirituality in our lives the most, so at least we've done a few things.  Here is one and (hopefully)  I will have a few more posts up this week...
On pg. 6 of the October 2011 issue of The Friend is a cute page entitled P-R-A-Y-E-R.  Click on that title to see it online.  Using PRAYER as an acronym there is a basic explanation of what prayer is and how to say one.  I wrote each letter on a piece of construction paper and then posted the letters all over our living room.  Then my kids took turns finding the next letter and we talked about what it stood for.  This activity was fun, kept their interest and taught something spiritual.  You can't ask for more than that. :)

I want to close my post with a quote from President Uchtdorf''s incredible talk "Forget Me Not" from the recent women's conference:

Dear sisters, many of you are endlessly compassionate and patient with the weaknesses of others. Please remember also to be compassionate and patient with yourself.

In the meantime, be thankful for all the small successes in your home, your family relationships, your education and livelihood, your Church participation and personal improvement. Like the forget-me-nots, these successes may seem tiny to you and they may go unnoticed by others, but God notices them and they are not small to Him. If you consider success to be only the most perfect rose or dazzling orchid, you may miss some of life’s sweetest experiences.

For example, insisting that you have a picture-perfect family home evening each week—even though doing so makes you and everyone around you miserable—may not be the best choice. Instead, ask yourself, “What could we do as a family that would be enjoyable and spiritual and bring us closer together?” That family home evening—though it may be modest in scope and execution—may have far more positive long-term results.
Our journey toward perfection is long, but we can find wonder and delight in even the tiniest steps in that journey."

Don't forget to be patient with yourself!  This is me talking to myself too. :)   And above all, remember, the Gospel is true!  I hope you have a great day!  Luv, Eva

1 comment:

  1. Eva, we love and miss you guys all the time! I remember The twins were only five when you were here with us! What a blessing you were to our family! Take care of your sweet family! Love, Heather
