Friday, May 4, 2012

More Than Two Parents...

Yesterday my baby woke up EARLY.  My husband has a half hour commute and starts work at 6 AM, and Samuel had woken up about 45 minutes before my husband even does, so he definitely needed to go back to bed.  After giving him a bottle and cuddling with him he was finally asleep.  The only problem was I didn't know what time it was or what time my husband's alarm clock was going to go off.  See, our bedroom and Samuel's bedroom are right next to each other.  This isn't a problem when the doors are closed, but if they are open and he hears the alarm, he is awake!

It may sound silly, but I said a prayer.  I needed inspiration if I should go ahead and take him to his room or try to hold him and sleep uncomfortably on the couch, during which he would probably just wake up when Chad came out to make his lunch.  I felt prompted to walk to his room right NOW, so I did.  I hustled, put him down, covered him with a blanket and closed his door.  "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP..."  I had made it just in time.

This morning we were hurrying to my daughter's school to be part of a field trip.  It involved a walk and would be several hours, so I wanted Samuel to have his pacifier.  I wanted to look for it as it was probably in his crib, or on the floor in the living room.  But something inside me told me not to worry about it.  Right then my other little boy asked for help putting a rubber band on his  construction paper "map," so we could get to the school. :)  As I looked down to assist him, there, nestled in a pair of pants my daughter had left on the floor, was Samuel's pacifier.  I would NEVER have looked for it there, but in his own way God had helped me find it.

As we finally got to the school the first parking spot I found was very far away.  Usually I do laps until I find something closer, but something inside me said to just take that spot!  So I did and hurried to get Samuel in the stroller and all of us in the school.  We were late and had to navigate ourselves through the building and out the back in hopes of finding her class outside.  Once we got there, there was no sight of them anywhere!

For a moment I panicked.  I had just hustled my two kids into town for nothing!  Michael would be so disappointed.  Sophia would be even more sad because I told her I would be there for this activity.

But I could faintly hear children's voices, so again I listened inside too and felt we should run down a block to the right.  We did and turned and saw them four blocks ahead of us.  If we hadn't taken that parking spot and hurried and listened I would of missed the only field trip my daughter had this year, one I had told her I would be there for.

We had a great time seeing the fairgrounds, walking from station to station and petting animals.  It was truly special to be there with her class.  As we walked back I felt so grateful to be part of that experience with her.  We had spent over 3 hours together outside, enjoying a beautiful morning.  But now storm clouds were rolling in.  As we approached our car from the front office what had started as a few sprinkles started to turn into faster sprinkles.  Just as I got my children in the van it poured!  Seriously, POURED!  It HAILED!  In the time it took to fold up my stroller, get it in the back of my van and get in the front seat I was soaked through to my underwear! LOL

Again, I was so grateful that God had held that moisture in those clouds until the kids were in the van, and not still 6 blocks away!  And I was grateful I had to spend a minute in it.

It made me imagine the pioneers, coming across the plains with their children, enduring similar and harsher weather.  Only they didn't have van's to hop into while they waited it out.  Still, they knew the Lord was on their side.  They still had faith and "endured it well."

Sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking that my kids rely on my husband and me for so much.  They do, to a certain degree.  But all of us are really relying on our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and Savior.  They are the ones providing insight, inspiration, parking spots, sunny mornings and even the occasional, necessary rain clouds.  I am grateful I have them on my team as I raise my children, or really, their children.

I don't believe in coincidences.  Our Heavenly Parents love us to much to leave our lives to chance.  I love them and know they are watching over us with confidence and love, supporting us through the good times and the bad.  As the scriptures and latter-day prophets have told us, the Holy Ghost speaks to us through the voices of angels and angels do surround us!  I'm so glad I started my day with prayer, no matter how humble, to help me be a little more able to listen to those angelic voices.

Remember, the Gospel is true!  You are a great parent because you are trying your best!  Thank you for ALL YOU DO!!!  Love, Eva


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