Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Creation Cookies!

Yay!  It's finally really time for one of my favorite recipes.  This week we are going to learn about the creation.  A fun way to introduce this topic is with these yummy cookies.  They're great for a Monday night FHE, or any time.  Remember to do all of this with a grown-up's help!

Day 1- Gen. 1:3-5 
"Let there be light" by turning on your oven light and pre-heating it to 350 degrees.  Then get your "dark" baking sheet and spray it to represent the separation of the darkness.

Day 2- Gen.1:6-8
Create your own "waters" by putting liquid in your bowl- 1/2 cup oil.

Day 3- Gen. 1:9-13
Add "dry land" by pouring in your dark cake mix.  Chocolate is best!

Day 4- Gen. 1:14-19
Drop in "lights in the firmament" by adding white chocolate chips to your tasting.  We put in about a cup to on and a half cups.  These look bright and beautiful in the chocolate cake mix, like stars in the night sky!
 Day 5- Gen. 1:20-25
Remember the animals, especially the "fowls" of the air by adding 2 eggs. 

Day 6- Gen. 1:26-31
Have "dominion" over your cookies by stirring it well.  Then "multiply" them by dropping them by rounded teaspoons onto the cookie sheets.

Day 7- Gen. 2:1-3
While you "rest" bake the cookies for 8-12 minutes.  Let them cool for a few minutes and then transfer them to wire racks.  Enjoy a cookie and say "it was good!"
Remember, the gospel is true!

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