Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The 7 Days of Christmas...I Mean, Creation!

Hi Friends!
We had a great time talking about some of the wonderful things Jesus gave us through the creation or organization of the world.  First, my mom numbered 7 paper bags.  Then she put different items into the paper bags to represent the days of the creation.  Then I got to open each one like a present!  See...

First, she mixed up the order so I could practice my numbers.  I counted & put them back in the right order.
Then we pulled out the item in the bag marked Day 1, a flashlight!  We turned off the lights and shined it around the room.
For Day 2, we opened the bag and found different things representing water- a water bottle, a snowflake ornament, and pictures of us at the beach.  The organization and different uses of water is a great gift from the Savior.
Then, we looked in the gift bag for Day 3- seeds and plants!  We talked about how thankful we are to have land to walk on and grow pretty plants and food in.  In fact, without land we would have to swim all the time!
The organization of light into stars, moons and the sun happened on Day 4, so we found pretty star ornaments in the bag!  I love looking at the stars and seeing their pretty light, and feeling the warmth of the sun on a cold day.  Thank you God for stars, moons, and the sun!

Day 5's bag was a lot of fun to open.  It was full of plastic toy animals!  I am grateful Jesus created so many animals for us to learn about, see and even have as pets!  We can also use them to pull sleighs, or even eat sometimes.  Animals are a great gift.
Almost done- Day 6!  On the sixth day of the creation, people were made.  I learned this by looking into the mirror in the sixth bag and seeing ME!  I am thankful for my body!  I can dance, play games and smile.  I can see, hear, and taste.  My body is cool!
On Day 7, Jesus and those that helped him organize the world rested.  We do the same thing when we keep the Sabbath day holy.  This means we make it special by doing things that remind us of the Savior.  In bag number 7 there was a small primary songbook to help us remember primary, church, and the special, reverent spirit we try to have on the Sabbath.
Look at all these great reminders of the creation!  Remember, God gave us these gifts because he loves us.  You could even sing a song about it to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" called "The Seven Days of Creation."  Hmmm...
On the first day of creation my Savior gave to me, the lightness from the darkness!

On the second day of creation my Savior gave to me, lots of sparkling water, the lightness from the darkness!

On the third day of creation my Savior gave to me, land to walk and run on, lots of sparkling water, the lightness from the darkness!

On the fourth day of creation my Savior gave to me, stars, sun and moons, land to walk and run on, lots of sparkling water, the lightness from the darkness!

On the fifth day of creation my Savior gave to me, creeping crawling animals, stars, sun and moons, land to walk and run on, lots of sparkling water, the lightness from the darkness!

On the sixth day of creation my Savior gave to me, a crazy, dancing body, creeping crawling animals, stars, sun and moons, land to walk and run on, lots of sparkling water, the lightness from the darkness!

Make up your own movements to do along with the song if you like!  Remember, it can be great fun to learn about the gospel, and the gospel is true!
Molly Mormon

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