President Monson's talk "Ponder the Path of Thy Feet" from October 2014 General Conference really touched me. And as the afternoons have been getting shorter I realized it had been a while since we had gone on a hike together. And THEN I realized that a family walk on a path through the mountains would be a great opportunity to review these words from our prophet.
I wrote out 10 points I wanted to make sure we discussed by quoting and paraphrasing in more simple terms key parts of the talk. Then I stuck each one in an envelope and hid them along the trail.
The kids took turns finding and opening their mail from the prophet!
Although the focus may have started to shift on finding the envelopes quickly, before others walking the path could mess with them, we did our best as parents to slow things down and focus on really understanding what the paper said.
Here is what we felt was important our family remember from this talk:
1)Heavenly Father made us and made a way for us to become like Him.
"All of us commenced a wonderful and essential journey when we left the spirit world and entered this often-challenging stage called mortality. The primary purposes of our existence upon the earth are to obtain a body of flesh and bones, to gain experience that could come only through separation from our heavenly parents, and to see if we would keep the commandments." -Pres. Thomas S. Monson
2) He did not send us here alone though. He gave us tools to help us know how to return to Him.
"Although we are left to find and follow that path which will lead us back to our Father in Heaven, He did not send us here without direction and guidance. Rather, He has given us the tools we need, and He will assist us as we seek His help and strive to do all in our power to endure to the end and gain eternal life." -Pres. Thomas S. Monson
3) "We have the words of God and of His Son found in the holy scriptures."
4) "We have the counsel and teachings of God's prophets."
5) "We, with Jesus, can walk the path of obedience."
6) "We, like Jesus, can walk the path of service."
7) "Jesus walked the path of prayer."
8) Jesus was merciful, a peacemaker, & brave. (This idea really stuck out to the kids. The idea of it taking more courage to be humble and turn the other cheek was a little hard for them to wrap their head around. But I'm so glad we talked about it! It was a good lesson and trait of the Savior for me to remember too!)
9) He asks us to let our lights shine.
10) Jesus tells us it is much more important to lay up treasures in heaven than on earth.
Learning from Daddy.
Such a pretty day! I told the kids that after the last paper was found we had to search for our hidden treat. First though, I wanted to try taking a family feet picture.

These were my first two attempts...I love them though!
And there we are in our favorite footwear and with my youngest on his toes!
I went with powdered doughnuts for a couple reasons. I wanted something that was convenient, but I also wanted something with some symbolism. We have been journeying and progressing as a family, which is what we do everyday, in hopes we can be an eternal family someday in heaven. The white of the sugar represents heaven and the circle shape is never-ending, just like our forever families can be. Maybe it sounds like a stretch, but the kids loved it. It was great to find at the end of our path! And that's because not only were they delicious, but it meant no one else had snatched our treasure!
And asking for seconds...
As we headed back I made sure hubby took a picture with me in it to show I really was there too! LOL
The kids wanted to run up and down the paths at top speed. I wanted to take pictures of their free spirits!
These little faces are the reminders I look at each day that help me remember I can be better. I need to practice what I and the prophets preach. I want to do a better job of pondering the path of my feet and the words I speak to them.
As we walked back to the car my daughter put her arm behind me and started trying to walk in sync with me, as though we were in a three-legged race together. I find it ironic, considering the lesson topic. Am I walking in sync with my Savior? Am I going where he would go and doing what he would have me do? Have I chosen to stay close to him, linked and ready to keep up with his pace?
I sure hope so. Love, Eva
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