Thursday, March 15, 2012

Some More Ideas To Follow Pres. Monson's Counsel...

This next week we've continued our discussion at home on the topics of prayer and President Monsons' counsel on choosing the right ALL the time, now with the help of the Holy Ghost too...

Book of Mormon Scripture Figures helped us realate the story of Abinidi who defiinitely still chose the right even when it was hard!

I loved the story The Best Soccer Player which is about being friends with people who are different or less popular and giving them a chance.  Consider inviting your kids to try being friends with someone they maybe haven't wanted to play with before. 

There is a simplified piano arrangement of I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus.  See if you or your child can practice it this week.  Even if it's not perfect, practicing the song , or even just memorizing the words and thinking of its message will add to the spirit in your home.  We are going to try memorizing it so we can sing it in Sacrament meeting. :) 

There's also a section this month titled Trying To Be Like Jesus.  Children tell what acts of service they are performing to try to be more like the Savior.  Use on of these as an idea for your family's own service project, or think of your own.  I know it might be hard, but that's ok if it is because that's what doing good 100% of the time is like sometimes, but it's worth it!

As we prepare for singing in Sacrament meeting I'm excited to share the story The Two Secrets with my children.  Prayer can and does get us through everything because it is a means of bringing the Spirit to our hearts.  It's the Holy Ghost then that enlightens our understanding, gives us strength and speaks peace to our soul.  The Holy Ghost then becomes a crucial aide in our doing good 100% of the time.

Here are some articles in thie month's Friend magazine that talk about the Holy Ghost:
Feeling The Holy Ghost (be sure to scroll down for the part titled Inviting The Spirit) This section is a lot easier to use out of the printed version because there are pictures that don't look the same online.
Choosing The Light My little boy has been really afraid of the dark since he stopped sharing a room with his big sister.  This story has helped us a lot this month!

Well, that may seem like a LOT but March is 1/2 way over, so I'm trying to be about that far through this month's content.  And kids are SPONGES!  When they are ready and listening they can soak up and understand so much!  So be ready for those moments; you don't want them to pass you by unprepared.

The gospel is true!  Thanks for reading and being YOU!  Happy Teaching! -Eva

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