Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Truth Behind Bunnies, Money and Eggs:Telling The Easter Story Through Symbols

As I prepared our Easter egg hunt today I found myself remembering the symbolism in so many of the decorations and rituals.  It's easy to just mention the following to our families, make moments for spiritual conversation and set the scene for that most important event of helping our children feel the Spirit...

The bunnies we see represent fertility, that everything that has ever lived, lives or will live again will do so through Christ.

The chicks represent the resurrection.  They are born from an egg that from the outside looks dead, or like a stone.  Just as we have seen loved ones pass, their spirit is alive and will someday be reunited with their bodies for eternal life.

The eggs represent life because life is within them.  Life comes from them when we eat them for our nourishment and strength.  And of course, the empty egg represent the empty tomb after Christ was alive again.

The bright colors represent spring, a time of new births, growth and the chance to blossom again.  Being reborn, having second chances, growing and blossoming is what the Savior wants for each of us as we come unto him. 

Of course I filled eggs with candy, but we also left some empty.  The kids knew those were the extra special ones to find and it was sweet to see them more excited about the empty ones than the ones with treats.
And I filled some with 30 cents in silver coins. 
I did this because of a story with plastic filled eggs and symbols  my father told us every year, the story of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Of course the 30 cents represents the 30 pieces of silver for which Christ was sold.  The other eggs, scripture references and symbols are listed below. 
EGG # 1: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm branches.
Matthew 21:1-11
Piece of palm branch or plastic leaf
EGG# 2: Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.
John 12:2-8
Small perfume sample or cloth with perfume
EGG# 3: Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples.
Matthew 26:17-19
Piece of bread or cracker
EGG# 4: Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Matthew 27:3
3 dimes or plastic silver money
EGG# 5: Jesus carried His own cross.
John 19:17
Popsicle stick cut and glued in a cross form
EGG# 6: Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus' head.
John 19:2
Small thorny branch( rose bush  cutting is good)
EGG# 7: Soldiers parted Jesus' garments and cast lots for His coat.
John 19:23
Piece of cloth
EGG# 8: Jesus was nailed to a cross and pierced in His side.
John 19:18,37
John 20:25-29
A nail
EGG# 9: They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall on a sponge to drink.
Matthew 27:34
A small sponge
EGG#10: Spices to prepare Jesus for burial.
John 19:40
cloves , bayleaf or other spices
EGG #11: The stone covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away
John 20:1
A small rock
EGG #12 : "He is not here, HE HAS RISEN, just as He said Come and see where He lay"
Matthew 28:6
empty egg
I found the chart with the Easter story of my childhood at so I need to give them credit, though I modified it slightly based on our family's choices for symbols too.  I challenge you to fill a few surprise eggs with these items.  Open the scriptures.  Read about the Greatest Gift ever given, even the willing sacrifice of the Son of God.  Doing so will truly help you have a happy Easter.  Love, Eva

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