Friday, May 11, 2012

This morning I read the sweetest story by President Monson.  It is the message from the First Presidency in this month's issue of the Friend.  Yes, it's the 11th and I'm barely reading it now, but better late than never. :)

It talks about a woman with three canaries...he is such a great story teller and speaker that I am not going to paraphrase it but am just posting it here:

Canaries with Gray on Their Wings

 While I was serving as a young bishop, Sister McKee, a widow in my ward, passed away. Among her things were three pet canaries. Two, with perfect yellow coloring, were to be given to her friends. The third, Billie, had yellow coloring marred by gray on his wings. Sister McKee had written in a note to me: “Will you and your family make a home for Billie? He isn’t the prettiest, but his song is the best.”

(If you click on the article it will take you to the magazine online where there is an activity and coloring page too.)

This week I have felt like a canary with gray all over it's feathered body.  I've felt like I'm too impatient with my children.  I've felt fat while I'm jogging down the road.  I've felt stressed and worn down (probably because I haven't been writing here- this always lifts my mood!)  But as President Monson said, it's our song that matters.  It's our heart that matters.  And I know my heart is in the right place.

So I will be patient with myself, appreciate more that moral character I have within and trust in the Lord's timing for all things.  After all...

 Luke 12:6-7  
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is aforgotten before God?  But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

I hope these thoughts help you realize you "are of more value than many sparrows" and never forgotten before our God.  I love ya!  The Gospel IS true!  Thanks for reading!  Luv, Eva


  1. Sometimes I feel like an ostrich among swans, haha...thank you for passing on these words of comfort.

  2. You read my blog! :) Yeah, I think I'm more of a kiwi bird sometimes. LOL Isn't it amazing that Heavenly Father sees us all as swans? <3
