Monday, September 19, 2011

Family Night! It's All Coming Together!

Tonight is Family Night and I am really excited to share what we did last week!  It only took a few minutes but it related to this month's theme of missionary work and to the season, and even to what was announced in Sacrament meeting.  You know how sometimes you're praying for opportunities or understanding and then different things just all tie together to give you those blessings in ways you couldn't even plan?  Well, that's how it's been with our family study efforts.

First, we talked about the story "Among Strangers" on pgs. 16-17.  Since our children talked to our ward's missionaries during Sharing Time on Sunday they had a good understanding of who missionaries are.  Then we talked about the pictures on pgs. 22-23 and the meanings of these Articles of Faith.  They loved the idea of the lion playing with the lamb and everyone being happy.  It made me happy and hope-filled thinking about a peaceful world, especially with the anniversary of September 11th. 

Then I went back to the story of President Woodruff and talked about how they didn't have food, and about how a lot of people don't have food right now.  This tied in with a family experience we had earlier this week.  We are down to one car right now so we drive my husband to work each morning at 6:30.  On the way home my son started complaining about going home.  He wanted to go "somewhere."  I said our house was "somewhere."  But he wanted to go to the store and get a toy or to "Chicky-Mouse" (his name for Chuck E. Cheese), just anywhere but home!  I told him we should be grateful we have a home because not everyone does.  He didn't believe me.  So, I actually drove around and pointed out people how didn't have homes.  Sometimes children are so used to being safe, they don't realize the many blessings they have.

So talking about people not having food made sense and mattered to my kids.  Together we chose some items from our pantry to donate to a food bank to help those who are hungry.  There are many opportunities for this right now with the holiday season practically upon us.

Well, it's been a crazy week and I hadn't taken the bag of canned items to the food bank yet.  But on Sunday it was announced during Sacrament meeting that our stake is having a food drive and will have a booth set up in the parking lot this week.  See!  Teaching concepts working together and relating!  I am so eager to take my children and let them donate those items.

It feels good to be connected to this month's missionary theme of primary, the goals of the ward and church of sustaining the saints and to be doing these activities with my family.  Again, last week's FHE didn't take any more planning or money than opening The Friend, reading the articles and pulling a few items out of our pantry.  But I know the blessings of trying to keep the commandments and teach our children are priceless.  Remember, the gospel is TRUE!  Have a great week and keep up the great parenting!  Luv, Eva

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