Thursday, September 8, 2011

Snuggle Time

Have you ever had something you really didn't want to lose, so you put it in a "special place" and then ended up not remembering where that "special place" was?  Yeah, I do that a lot.  And this time, it happened to my issue of The Friend. LOL  So it's been a while, but it was easy to catch up on our reading...

My kids and I have been enjoying some snuggle time.  We just grab our issue and curl up and talk about what's in the stories.  I don't read every word because they're young and don't have the longest attention spans. :)  But it's so nice to be making reading this a magazine a regular thing together.  They are remembering the game pages they like (like pg.10) and we do those repeatedly, but I don't mind.  I choose those things that relate to us and they enjoy it and I do too.  This has become one of my favorite parts of the day and of parenting.  This is something I feel no one else can do with them quite like I can and is adding to my personal value as a mother.  Here are some things we've done this month...

-On the inside cover there are kids sharing how they use The Friend.  We are now using their ideas too!  We colored the Bright Ideas picture and put it on the fridge and are trying to use The Friend as part of our daily 20 mins. of reading.
-We followed President Uchtdorf's counsel and are making a desk/study area.
-We read "Honors" and talked about prayer and keeping the Sabbath day holy.  I'm planning on getting a Gospel Standards Poster on their wall ASAP and going it over it with them (this goes along with this week's lessons in Joy School if you are doing that program at home like we are.)
-We talked about temples after looking at pgs. 6,7, and 11.  Then pgs. 12 & 13 gave us the idea of putting
a bulletin board by our desks with a picture of the temple on it.

Most of all, by reading this magazine together I find I'm more effortlessly teaching the gospel  because my own testimony of family is growing.  If you haven't already, try to make The Friend a regular part of your day.  Keep it on their night stand so you look at it before bed.  Pull it out during breakfast.  Or just snuggle on the couch when you need some quiet time and look at it together.  Today we are all sick, but we still managed to curl up in a blanket and read "Program Jitters" on page 9 together.  I talked with my daughter how it's a talent of hers that she doesn't get nervous talking in the microphone.  I personalized the story for her and let her know I'm looking forward to seeing her in the primary program.  So even if my laundry doesn't make it to the dryer and we end up with leftovers for dinner (if I even have leftovers!), I know today was worthwhile.  I know I did something today with my daughter that no one else can replace.  The gospel is true and you ARE needed as a parent!  Keep it up!  Luv, Eva :)

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