Monday, April 23, 2012

Just One Scripture CAN Make A Difference...

Last week we printed out this coloring page from  The picture is of a child inviting another child who looks lonely to play a game of basketball.  The caption beneath it reads
"Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me."  Then the following scripture is printed:

For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. (John 13:15)

We talked about what was happening in the picture as they colored.  By the end of this activity there was an argument about markers and my son was complaining his hands were tired so he couldn't clean up and ended up throwing a fit...ugh.

But another night, again, we looked at this picture and read the verse as our family scripture study.  Sometimes, actually quite often, one scripture is all we get for family study since we are all frazzled and tired and ready for bedtime (well, at least my hubby and I are.)  Reading just one verse kind of felt like a cop-out but I felt like something was better than nothing...

Imagine my sweet surprise to hear the following when my little boy said prayer last night:

"And if we're playing basketball and somebody is sad please help us let them play with us and be nice to them."

What more could I ask for from a 4 year-old?  Seriously.  Every time I feel like giving up on this whole teaching-my-kids thing, or I'm frustrated or don't feel like my efforts are making any difference, Heavenly Father blesses me an experience to show it IS worth it and my attempts DO matter.  In fact, to that little boy they mattered a lot.

I'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes by our late prophet, President Hinckley:

" strong and bold and brave and march forward with gladness in your eye and love in your heart...You are doing the best you can and that best results in good to yourself and to others" (Gordon B. Hinckley, "To The Women of The Church," Ensign, Nov. 2003, 113).

The Gospel IS TRUE!  You ARE doing the BEST YOU CAN and that best DOES result in GOOD to yourself and others!!!    LOVE, Eva

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