Friday, June 29, 2012


This past month I haven't been writing a whole lot because the "extra" cute, church-based activities haven't been happening (BUT A LOT are coming in July :).  Instead, we've been focusing on the daily habits of personal prayers and scripture study.

Each morning my little ones have a chart they go down checking off their tasks.  The first one on that list is personal prayer.  When everyone is awake, we have family prayer.  They love getting their "checks" when it's accomplished. :)  I love having the  reminders to take time for this sacred occurence. 

Praying as a family gets us all on the same page.  It gives us a chance to ponder, even meditate on how God would want us to act today- kind, caring, loving, giving.  Praying lets us ask together for extra help, comfort and blessings for others.  In otherwords, praying is priceless!

After they are dressed, brushed and have made their beds and put away their dirty clothes we do personal scripture study.  For them that's usually watching a few scripture stories on in the Children's section, or watching an animated Church video.  Lately their favorite is the one where "he gets his leg cut off."  Sigh.  Even though I've reiterated that isn't what happens, I think they have fun saying it!  In other words, they like the one about Joseph Smith, where part of his knee was removed as a child, and he later prays about what church to join.

I have to share a sweet moment last week.  Michael, my 4 year-old, had the chance to give a talk in Primary.  Of course he wanted to share the story of Joseph Smith praying in the grove.  He knew so much of it by himself!  He was able to share how Satan tried to stop him from praying, but he kept praying and then Jesus and God appeared to him.  How many grown-ups would pay millions for the faith and conviction this little boy has?!  The only part I really had to help him with was holding up the pictures he colored and helping remind him he was talking about Joseph, not Nephi, his other favorite Prophet. :)

So, I don't have a cutesy craft or idea to share today.  But I am grateful that we have been more attentive to the essential basics, our personal and family prayer and scripture study.  Last night, for the first time since we've started, we got through family scripture study and prayer without a fight!  YAY!  And the kids even wanted to bear their testimonies!  The next few nights will probably have the usual meltdowns involved with bedtime, but I know we are trying to follow the Lord's counsel, and that will bring more blessings than we can know.

Hang in there!  Enjoy the day!  The Gospel is true!  Love, Eva

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