Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Sharing" Success!

We had a great FHE last night (yay!) based on the First Presidency message in this month's Friend, "The Gospel- A Gift To Share."

First, I "shared" some ice cream that I really liked with everyone.  Then the kids "shared" some songs with puppets we had been enjoying them perform earlier in the day so Dad could see them too.  Then (Surprise!) Dad wanted to do a puppet show!  He used the puppets to teach a lesson about sharing.  He showed everything from nice sharing to bullying and not sharing to saying sorry and being friends again.

We wrapped things up by explaining how when you have something you like you want to share it with others.  Not everyone knows aobut God or Jesus.  What could we do?  I practically saw the lightbulb go on over my daughter's head!

"We can share the gospel with them!"

Yes, we can!  We can pray for missionary opportunities.  Missionaries and friends shared the Gospel with both of my parents and I'm so grateful they did and that they then shared it with me.

I think FHE went better last night because I didn't think of it as a huge event that needed to be planned.  I wanted us to enjoy a dessert together, the songs the kids had been practicing and a spiritual message.  That was it.  We had a lot less stress and a lot more learning and fun this way.

I hope this gives you some ideas you can "share" with your family!  The Gospel is true!  What you are doing is worth it and will affect more people than you can imagine!  Love, Eva

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